PUBG Finish Placement Prediction Using Machine Learning

It's a kaggle competition where we have to predict the final "Finish Placement Prediction" of all the players who participated in the Game.

Email summarization with Unsupervised-Learning

The task is to perform Text Summarization on emails in languages such as English, Danish, French, etc. using Python.

Defaulter prediction Web App

Loan-defaulter-prediction Web App: This model is a flask web-app that predicts the " Whether to the Borrower gonna be a defaulter or not ".

Vehicle Number Detection

Focused on obtaining vehicle no. from Indian vehicles. Includes detection, segmentation and recognition modules.

(Private Repository)

Sleepy Driver

Rings up alarm if driver is spotted sleepy. Plays major role in reducing accidents.

Web Scraping

Bundle of projects scraping different websites for data and saving it efficiently.

Sentiment Analysis Using Deep Learning

Computationally Identifying and categorizing opinions expressed in a piece of text, especially in order to determine whether the writer's attitude towards a particular topic, product, etc. is Positive, Negative, or Neutral.


Forecast daily COVID-19 spread in regions around world.

Data visualization

Story Telling through Graphical representation - Plotly, Matplotlib,Tableau etc ".